gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=out.pdf source1.pdf source2.pdf source3.pdf
A repository of notes; by noto, for noto. Made public so noto can read it from anywhere. It won't make any sense to you.
gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=out.pdf source1.pdf source2.pdf source3.pdf
Install dvdbackup
. Note that this requires libraries (i) libdvdread
and (possibly, ii) libdvdcss
. Download and install the libraries, then dvdbackup
(all are ./configure,make,sudo make install). Additional note: I installed libdvdread via mac ports, but dvdbackup
failed to configure because it required a different version. I then downloaded and installed version 0.9.7 separately, then ./configure worked (I also downloaded and installed libdvdcss--not sure if that matters.)
To backup a DVD:
dvdbackup -v -i /dev/disk1 -n NAME -Mwhere /dev/disk1 should be replaced with the device currently associated with the inserted disc, and NAME is whatever name you want to assign to the project. It turns out, the -n option is necessary. Without more options,
creates a similarly-named directory and writes the files there (the -v
option is just for verbosity--use dvdbackup --help
) hdiutil makehybrid -udf -o NAME.iso path-to-FOLDERwhere NAME is again up to you, but path-to-FOLDER must contain the VIDEO_TS directory created by dvdbackup (it must not be the VIDEO_TS directory itself). Typically, this will be the directory created by
. hdiutil burn NAME.isoThis, apparently, finds your DVD device, writes and ejects it.
, the indent command can take motions. So, gg
to get the start of the file, =
to indent, G
to the end of the file, gg=G
extension. The file will be in location with randomly chosen directory names, e.g., /private/var/folders/Lb/Lbis5JtsGb0VIR-vYYdZ4E+++TI/TemporaryItems/FlashTmp0
.$ sudo find /private/var/folders -name 'FlashTmp*'
$ sudo cp /private/var/folders/Lb/Lbis5JtsGb0VIR-vYYdZ4E+++TI/TemporaryItems/FlashTmp0 ~/Desktop/movie.flv
$ sudo chmod 644 ~/Desktop/movie.flv
1 | bkblk | the BK is not in the way |
2 | bknwy | the BK is not in the BR's way |
3 | bkon8 | the BK is on rank 8 in a position to aid the BR |
4 | bkona | the BK is on file A in a position to aid the BR |
5 | bkspr | the BK can support the BR |
6 | bkxbq | the BK is not attacked in some way by the pro- moted WP |
7 | bkxcr | the BK can attack the critical square (b7) |
8 | bkxwp | the BK can attack the WP |
9 | blxwp | B attacks the WP (BR in direction x = -1 only) |
10 | bxqsq | one or more Black pieces control the queening square |
11 | cntxt | the WK is on an edge and not on a8 |
12 | dsopp | the kings are in normal opposition |
13 | dwipd | the WK distance to intersect point is too great |
14 | hdchk | there is a good delay because there is a hidden check |
15 | katri | the BK controls the intersect point |
16 | mulch | B can renew the check to good advantage |
17 | qxmsq | the mating square is attacked in some way by the promoted WP |
18 | r2ar8 | the BR does not have safe access to file A or rank 8 |
19 | reskd | the WK can be reskewered via a delayed skewer |
20 | reskr | the BR alone can renew the skewer threat |
21 | rimmx | the BR can be captured safely |
22 | rkxwp | the BR bears on the WP (direction x = -1 only) |
23 | rxmsq | the BR attacks a mating square safely |
24 | simpl | a very simple pattern applies |
25 | skach | the WK can be skewered after one or more checks |
26 | skewr | there is a potential skewer as opposed to fork |
27 | skrxp | the BR can achieve a skewer or the BK attacks the WP |
28 | spcop | there is a special opposition pattern present |
29 | stlmt | the WK is in stalemate |
30 | thrsk | there is a skewer threat lurking |
31 | wkcti | the WK cannot control the intersect point |
32 | wkna8 | the WK is on square a8 |
33 | wknck | the WK is in check |
34 | wkovl | the WK is overloaded |
35 | wkpos | the WK is in a potential skewer position |
36 | wtoeg | the WK is one away from the relevant edge |
I wanted to demonstrate that distance-based methods should have a hard time distinguishing some classes (say the libras UCI data set) and not others (say the iris UCI data set) with a visualization. S.R. suggested:
Steps to do this in MATLAB:
G is now a Nx2 matrix (N=number of samples). The rest of the process involves plotting the lines to connect neighbors. You can do that in MATLAB, but I don't know a particularly fast way.